ReadyNAS 3200 Server SCAN Probleme

Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 29. Dezember 2010 18:10
SqueezeBox: Transporter
SqueezeBox Server läuft auf: Readynas 3200

ReadyNAS 3200 Server SCAN Probleme

Beitrag von mksuperplus »


Ich habe ein Problem mit meinem Server:

Das ist der Server:

Version: 7.5.2 - r31632 @ Mon Dec 13 13:07:13 PST 2010
Hostname: nas-FA-F3-50
Server IP Address:
Server HTTP Port Number: 9000
Operating system: Netgear RAIDiator - EN - utf8
Platform Architecture: i686-linux
Perl Version: 5.8.8 - i486-linux-gnu-thread-multi
MySQL Version: 5.0.32-Debian_7etch5
Total Players Recognized: 1

wenn ich meine Musikbibliothek Scannen lasse passiert folgende:

[10-12-29 11:11:57.0397] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (357) ERROR SCANNING /media/Music/United Peace Voices/Zamling Shide/12 Nyurma Pa Mo.m4a: Unable to read tags from file
[10-12-29 11:11:57.0399] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (333) Scanning: /media/Music/Rosenstolz/Nichts Von Alledem (Tut Mir Leid) (2006)/04 - Nichts Von Alledem (Tut Mir Leid) (Die Andere).m4a
[10-12-29 11:11:57.0418] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (357) ERROR SCANNING /media/Music/Rosenstolz/Nichts Von Alledem (Tut Mir Leid) (2006)/04 - Nichts Von Alledem (Tut Mir Leid) (Die Andere).m4a: Unable to read tags from file
[10-12-29 11:11:57.0420] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (333) Scanning: /media/Music/Jackson Browne/The Pretender/02 Your Bright Baby Blues.m4a
[10-12-29 11:11:57.0441] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (357) ERROR SCANNING /media/Music/Jackson Browne/The Pretender/02 Your Bright Baby Blues.m4a: Unable to read tags from file
[10-12-29 11:11:57.0443] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (333) Scanning: /media/Music/The Beatles/A Hard Day`s Night [us]/05 - I'm Happy Just To Dance With You.m4a
[10-12-29 11:11:57.0463] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (357) ERROR SCANNING /media/Music/The Beatles/A Hard Day`s Night [us]/05 - I'm Happy Just To Dance With You.m4a: Unable to read tags from file
[10-12-29 11:11:57.0465] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (333) Scanning: /media/Music/Boozoo Bajou/Remixes (2003)/05 - Mousse T- Feat- Emma Lanford - Gourmet De Funk (Boozoo Bajou's Homecooking Lessons).m4a
[10-12-29 11:11:57.0487] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (357) ERROR SCANNING /media/Music/Boozoo Bajou/Remixes (2003)/05 - Mousse T- Feat- Emma Lanford - Gourmet De Funk (Boozoo Bajou's Homecooking Lessons).m4a: Unable to read tags from file
[10-12-29 11:11:57.0489] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (333) Scanning: /media/Music/Planet Claire/Planet Claire/06 The Sun And The Neo Light.m4a
[10-12-29 11:11:57.0508] Slim::Formats::Movie::getTag (49) Warning: Error: Unable to read at least 16 bytes from file (only read 8).
[10-12-29 11:11:57.0510] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (357) ERROR SCANNING /media/Music/Planet Claire/Planet Claire/06 The Sun And The Neo Light.m4a: Unable to read tags from file
[10-12-29 11:11:57.0511] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (333) Scanning: /media/Music/Meat Loaf/Live Around The World - CD1/03 Life Is A Lemon And I Want My.m4a
[10-12-29 11:11:57.0530] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (357) ERROR SCANNING /media/Music/Meat Loaf/Live Around The World - CD1/03 Life Is A Lemon And I Want My.m4a: Unable to read tags from file
[10-12-29 11:11:57.0532] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (333) Scanning: /media/Music/Compilations/The Number One Divas/1-01 Family Portrait.m4a
[10-12-29 11:11:57.0551] Slim::Formats::Movie::getTag (49) Warning: Error: Unable to read at least 16 bytes from file (only read 8).
[10-12-29 11:11:57.0553] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (357) ERROR SCANNING /media/Music/Compilations/The Number One Divas/1-01 Family Portrait.m4a: Unable to read tags from file
[10-12-29 11:11:57.0554] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (333) Scanning: /media/Music/Iron Butterfly/In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida (Atco)/06 In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida.m4a
[10-12-29 11:11:57.0572] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (357) ERROR SCANNING /media/Music/Iron Butterfly/In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida (Atco)/06 In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida.m4a: Unable to read tags from file
[10-12-29 11:11:57.0574] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (333) Scanning: /media/Music/Neil Young/Unplugged/09 Harvest Moon.m4a
[10-12-29 11:11:57.0593] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (357) ERROR SCANNING /media/Music/Neil Young/Unplugged/09 Harvest Moon.m4a: Unable to read tags from file
[10-12-29 11:11:57.0595] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (333) Scanning: /media/Music/Lou Reed/The Raven [Limited Edition]/08 The City In The Sea, Shadow.m4a
[10-12-29 11:11:57.0618] Slim::Formats::Movie::getTag (82) Warning: Use of uninitialized value in numeric eq (==) at /usr/share/perl5/Slim/Formats/ line 82.
[10-12-29 11:11:57.1130] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (333) Scanning: /media/Music/Outkast/Aquemini/14 Nathaniel.m4a
[10-12-29 11:11:57.1155] Slim::Formats::Movie::getTag (82) Warning: Use of uninitialized value in numeric eq (==) at /usr/share/perl5/Slim/Formats/ line 82.
[10-12-29 11:11:57.1262] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (333) Scanning: /media/Music/Moloko/All Back to the Mine/14 Fun For Me (Plankton`s Pondlife M.m4a
[10-12-29 11:11:57.1285] Slim::Formats::Movie::getTag (82) Warning: Use of uninitialized value in numeric eq (==) at /usr/share/perl5/Slim/Formats/ line 82.
[10-12-29 11:11:57.1387] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (333) Scanning: /media/Music/Various Artists/The Biggest Ragga Dancehall Anthems 2007/03 Tek It To Them (Rum Ram).mp3
[10-12-29 11:11:57.1615] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (333) Scanning: /media/Music/The Young Gods/Only Heaven/05 Moon Revolutions.m4a
[10-12-29 11:11:57.1641] Slim::Formats::Movie::getTag (82) Warning: Use of uninitialized value in numeric eq (==) at /usr/share/perl5/Slim/Formats/ line 82.
[10-12-29 11:11:57.1743] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (333) Scanning: /media/Music/The Who/Face Dances/03 Cache Cache.m4a
[10-12-29 11:11:57.1767] Slim::Formats::Movie::getTag (82) Warning: Use of uninitialized value in numeric eq (==) at /usr/share/perl5/Slim/Formats/ line 82.
[10-12-29 11:11:57.1879] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (333) Scanning: /media/Music/Mary Chapin Carpenter/The Calling/04 It Must Have Happened 2.m4a
[10-12-29 11:11:57.1902] Slim::Formats::Movie::getTag (82) Warning: Use of uninitialized value in numeric eq (==) at /usr/share/perl5/Slim/Formats/ line 82.
[10-12-29 11:11:57.2007] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (333) Scanning: /media/Music/Rosenstolz/Erwarten Se Nix/12 Mann Im Ohr.m4a
[10-12-29 11:11:57.2033] Slim::Formats::Movie::getTag (82) Warning: Use of uninitialized value in numeric eq (==) at /usr/share/perl5/Slim/Formats/ line 82.
[10-12-29 11:11:57.2140] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (333) Scanning: /media/Music/Wishbone Ash/Bare Bones/03 Master Of Disguise.m4a
[10-12-29 11:11:57.2164] Slim::Formats::Movie::getTag (82) Warning: Use of uninitialized value in numeric eq (==) at /usr/share/perl5/Slim/Formats/ line 82.
[10-12-29 11:11:57.2271] Slim::Utils::Scanner::scanDirectory (333) Scanning: /media/Music/Pet Shop Boys/Please/08 Violence (Album Version).m4a

besonders häufig ist line 82

Directory Scan (289 of 33136) Complete 00:00:45

Music scan terminated unexpectedly (Directory Scan)
Total Time: 00:00:45 (Wednesday, 29. December 2010 / 11:12)

So verabschiedet sich dann der Scan nach 45 Sekunden.

Hat jemand eine Ahnung, woran das liegen kann?

Vielen Dank für die Hilfe!

Beiträge: 597
Registriert: 23. Januar 2010 13:36
SqueezeBox: Boom
SqueezeBox: Classic
SqueezeBox: Radio
SqueezeBox: Touch
SqueezeBox Server läuft auf: Qnap TS-239ProII
Wohnort: Hamburg

Re: ReadyNAS 3200 Server SCAN Probleme

Beitrag von Kevin »

Er scheint Probleme mit einigen Tags zu haben "Unable to read tags from file".
Ich würde erstmal so vorgehen, das man die Dateien, wo er abschmiert, temporär entfernt / auslagert - bis der Scan wieder durch läuft.
Dann die betroffenen Dateien und vor allem die Tags genauer ansehen / reparieren und nochmal versuchen.
~~~ Je sorgfältiger man plant, desto wirkungsvoller trifft einen der Zufall. ~~~
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 29. Dezember 2010 18:10
SqueezeBox: Transporter
SqueezeBox Server läuft auf: Readynas 3200

Re: ReadyNAS 3200 Server SCAN Probleme

Beitrag von mksuperplus »

Alle Dateien habe ich mit TagScanner 5.1.5 geprüft.