Re: Logitech Media Server auf Synology DS213j - Ausgabegerät Onkyo TX-NR509 AV Receiver
Verfasst: 23. Juni 2017 16:00
Und wer oder was kommuniziert mit dem SB-Player Modul?
Alles rund um die Logitech Squeezeboxen
Das macht Fhemkarlek hat geschrieben:Und wer oder was kommuniziert mit dem SB-Player Modul?
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Within a short time after restarting the plugin the renderers will appear as renderers in the LMS GUI and you should be able to play tracks as normal with any squeezebox device (or squeezelite, squeezeplay etc.).
It is strongly suggested that before you start to play on a device you check the volume for the device in LMS is not near the maximum, so as to avoid damaging your speakers. When using sq2u and LMS to control a renderer you should avoid using any controls on the renderer itself (or its remote), except the volume control in some cases (there is an option to allow this). Npte that sq2u tries to forward remote/local control to LMS, but there are a few corner cases where it will not work properly. If you find that when you start up your renderer always plays the last song it played, possibly at high volume, either make sure you clear the LMS playlist before you stop, or better still set the LMS player's parameter under "settings", “player”, "audio", "power on resume" to "stop at power off, remain stopped at power on”.
Only “Master Volume is controlled by LMS, so for amplifiers with separated outputs/headsets volume controls, changes will need to be made directly on the renderer
2.3 Using ReplayGain
ReplayGain can only work if uncompressed audio samples are sent from LMS to sq2c, so this requires ‘pcm’ to be the first in the <codecs> parameter list. Still, LMS does not transcode by default mp3 to pcm (or aiff), so you need to add a rule in custom-convert file to allow mp3 to be transcoded to pcm. Once you have located the custom-convert file (on Linux this is in /etc/squeezeboxserver and on Windows this is in C:\Program Files (x86)\Squeezebox\server), you can add the following lines
mp3 pcm squeezelite *
# FT:{START=-ss %s}
[ffmpeg] -v 0 $START$ -f mp3 -i $FILE$ -f s16le –
It is very important to limit the transcoding of mp3 to local files, hence the #FT line. This is due to a limitation of LMS where the sampling rate of remote stream is not assessed properly, so such streams must be left in original format (ReplayGain will obviously not work for remote streams). This rule will apply for all squeezelite type players, but you can make it specific to a device by duplicating it and replacing the “*” by the MAC address of the device to which it applies. Note that this consumes more CPU on the machine running sq2c and put more stress on your network as well.
You need to add ffmpeg support to LMS as it is not installed by default. Find ffmpeg build (eg here : and install it on your server. On Windows, copy ffmpeg.exe in C:\Program Files (x86)\Squeezebox\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread. On Linux, there are different solutions depending on your distribution, please search for the one that matches.
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<squeeze2upnp><main_log>info</main_log><slimproto_log>info</slimproto_log><stream_log>warn</stream_log><web_log>warn</web_log><upnp_socket>?</upnp_socket><output_log>warn</output_log><upnp_log>debug</upnp_log><common><min_gapless>10</min_gapless><L24_format>1</L24_format><auto_play>0</auto_play><max_volume>100</max_volume><keep_buffer_file>0</keep_buffer_file><volume_feedback>1</volume_feedback><streambuf_size>2457600</streambuf_size><accept_nexturi>1</accept_nexturi><flac_header>1</flac_header><byte_seek>0</byte_seek><send_metadata>1</send_metadata><sample_rate>48000</sample_rate><codecs>pcm,flc,mp3</codecs><match_endianness>1</match_endianness><upnp_remove_count>1</upnp_remove_count><raw_audio_format>raw</raw_audio_format><max_GET_bytes>-1</max_GET_bytes><stream_pacing_size>1048576</stream_pacing_size><allow_flac>0</allow_flac><send_icy>0</send_icy><roon_mode>0</roon_mode><server>?</server><send_coverart>1</send_coverart><buffer_dir>?</buffer_dir><seek_after_pause>0</seek_after_pause><output_size>2457600</output_size><volume_on_play>1</volume_on_play><buffer_limit>-1</buffer_limit><early_STMd>0</early_STMd><stream_length>-3</stream_length><enabled>1</enabled></common><decode_log>warn</decode_log><log_limit>-1</log_limit><util_log>warn</util_log><upnp_scan_interval>30</upnp_scan_interval><slimmain_log>info</slimmain_log><upnp_scan_timeout>15</upnp_scan_timeout><device><mac>bb:bb:34:2f:6a:f7</mac><enabled>1</enabled><name>dm7080</name><udn>uuid:045cab88-6006-45d9-a0b3-ec1fbfa8438d</udn><friendly_name>dm7080</friendly_name></device><device><volume_feedback>1</volume_feedback><udn>uuid:e2b05b62-a45b-62b9-9452-6209a4b9ad14</udn><mac>bb:bb:b0:c6:52:a4</mac><enabled>1</enabled><name>TX-NR509</name><volume_on_play>1</volume_on_play><friendly_name>TX-NR509</friendly_name></device><device><friendly_name>Philips NP2500</friendly_name><udn>uuid:00000081-0000-5000-0000-00903e88f66b</udn><mac>bb:bb:3e:88:f6:6b</mac><enabled>1</enabled><name>Philips NP2500</name></device></squeeze2upnp>
das ist mehr als seltsam. Habe ich noch nicht erlebtAlso laustärke am LMS direkt lauter und
Leiser machen und schauen was passiert?? Da passiert gar nichts..also es passiert das gleiche ..lautstärke regelt sich zurück